The Fall Premiere You've Been Waiting With The Best Vintage Home Decor!

The Show That Stole Our Hearts is Making It’s Come Back!

The show that stole our heart a long time ago is making a come back this fall. The scheduling couldn’t be better with Halloween in the works. So, why not add some buzz by making it the inspiration for your home? This is the Stranger Things posts you’ve been waiting to get your vintage home decor going. Get the remote, we’re about to be an adventure!

Come and take a look! 


Get Inspired By: What’s Hot on Pinterest: 5 Vintage Decor Ideas for Your Home Decor

The Fall Premiere You've Been Waiting With The Best Vintage Home Decor! 4

The first thing that caught our eye was the attention to detail this show has. The retro room decor was so well thought we felt like we were in the same year that the boys had their adventure in.

The Fall Premiere You've Been Waiting With The Best Vintage Home Decor! 3

The retro style of the whole show was what made us fall in love with it in the first place. The 80’s feeling of the show was completely one of the key points to it. The vintage bedroom decor that one of the protagonists has is one you can incorporate into your world – got it? – and make it the best living area possible. The dossel bed is so pretty and it’s surely making a comeback!

The Fall Premiere You've Been Waiting With The Best Vintage Home Decor! 1

The lighting of the show wasn’t left stranded. You can clearly see where the purpose wall lighting in several aspects of the basement. And while it doesn’t look very glamorous, we can feel the 80’s in the air.

The Fall Premiere You've Been Waiting With The Best Vintage Home Decor! 5

The vintage wallpaper decor was one of the wholesome lists of things we loved in the show. Being a setting trend this year, we’re sure you’re going to love how it stays in your bedroom decor.

The Fall Premiere You've Been Waiting With The Best Vintage Home Decor! 6

When it comes to family scenes, things can be tense. But the decor leaves nothing to get unsettled for. With some lovely decor, this retro dining room is perfect if you want to make a dinner party. Don’t miss the hair-do’s or the vintage style clothing!

The Fall Premiere You've Been Waiting With The Best Vintage Home Decor! 7

Lighting was definitely one of the biggest aspects of the whole show and we can’t forget it! Everything to make Will come back right? The honourable mentions surely go to the whole team who set up so many lighting designs in on place. Everywhere you look a shining light follows your way – except when it doesn’t, shhh – .

Editor’s Choice!

The vintage industrial style staff is happy to bring some of the best vintage lighting designs possible. Take a look at what tips we have for you today! Get the Price!

Get Inspired By: What’s Hot on Pinterest: 5 Design Ideas for Your Vintage Home Decor

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