Why Your Vintage Industrial Design Needs A Bar Stool

All the inspo you’ve been needing this wednesday! Check these Vintage Industrial Designs!

Bringing together a vintage industrial design can be hard – we certainly would know. To make things easier for you, today we came up with bar chairs to dream of! Style, elegance and always vintage, these bar chairs will certainly bring a new revamped look into the seating area you choose to put them on!

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Why Your Vintage Industrial Design Needs A Bar Stool 1

While making a hospitality design project the first thing we do is to go on our favourite apps and gather all the inspiration needed to find the one item that will look absolutely stunning in our room. So, that was exactly what we made as well. All the info gathered presents just the very best of how a vintage bar stool will look in a setting!


Why Your Vintage Industrial Design Needs A Bar Stool 2

Add splashes of colour into your vintage home design and you’ll see how they will fit just like they should into a dining room. A bar stool in any kitchen island will look great and will add that extra touch like no other element. In this case, make sure to add light blue/green touches in the seating.

Why Your Vintage Industrial Design Needs A Bar Stool 3

Coming in all shapes and sizes, island bar stools can make a room feel like a home. In this case, blue bar stools can make sure you have that extravagant touch. A play on the classic industrial design style, this kitchen island exemplifies just how magnetic blue can be.

Why Your Vintage Industrial Design Needs A Bar Stool 4

A bit more on the rustic chic side, there’s always a clear choice when you want to bring your industrial kitchen space a little higher. Pairing so well with darker colours, the fishnet in this bar stool is the that can change a dull kitchen into a modern one.


Why Your Vintage Industrial Design Needs A Bar Stool 5

To break patterns and give a bit more life into your dining area, you could always go for the same bar stools design but having a bit of a twist in it. Why not change the seating colours? Colour is always something we want in our life, and as kitchens go, this might be the very best decor choice you could have!


Make sure you pair your bar stool design with the best lighting design! We chose this incredible vintage lighting design with a modern touch to make sure you have the best solutions for your lighting problems!

Find All These Lighting Designs – HERE!

DISCOVER MOREAn Industrial Dining Room Style For The Stars!

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