This is one of the best examples of inspiring to make decorations and environments within the 70´s and 80´s vintage style! The powerful colors, expressionist pop figures and forms, mechanic shapes, communication moves, colorful explosions, great heroes and happenings. You can see truly how strongly the vintage era is on this images. even through board games That were almost extinguished by videogames, we could see now the difference and see that pinball machines are irreplaceable.   Vector made by Bally in 1982, this was a science fiction sports fantasy game, where it looked like players were combining jai alai with some sort of bizarre Discs of Tron hockey mashup. Still, they got cool Mighty Morphin Power Rangers costumes and hurl things around."vector pinball machine"

vector pinball machine by Bally
"vector pinball arcade"

vector pinball arcade by Bally

"vector pinball machine"

vector pinball machine by Bally

Apollo, Blast Off, and Lunar Shot made by Williams in 1967 hoping to cash in on the race for the moon, Williams created three pinball machines,  with identical artwork and slightly modified playfields, based on the most important eras of the history."apollo pinball machine"

apollo pinball machine by williams
"apollo pinball machine"

apollo pinball machine by williams

"apollo pinball machine"

apollo pinball machine by williams

Pinball Pool made by Gottlieb in 1978, Dark-haired pool sharks with ample bosoms spar against a gleaming chrome robot. And on the top of the machine two fashioned vintage girls Playing with the chromed robot, influence by the technologies and films of that era."pinball pool machine" "pinball pool machine"

pinball pool machine by Gottlieb
"pinball pool machine"

pinball pool machine by Gottlieb

Tri Zone made by Williams in 1979,  looked a bit like Logan’s Run meets THX-1138, with vapid people standing around in some sort of a utopian future where they’re forced to compete in the Tri Zone competition."tri zone pinball machine"

tri zone pinball machine by williams
"tri zone pinball machine"

tri zone pinball machine by williams

"tri zone pinball machine"

tri zone pinball machine by williams

Embryon  made by Bally in 1981, this game featured some of the most graphic pinball art we’ve ever seen, featuring a half-naked bald alien woman writhing around in some sort of a birth-chamber-sac. There’s a human figure who looks a lot like watching over everything."embryon pinball machine"

embryon pinball machine by Bally
"embryon pinball machine"

embryon pinball machine by Bally

"embryon pinball machine"

embryon pinball machine by Bally

Rui Sousa