Are you ready to explore the world and human relationships through architecture? Continue scrolling, because Alfonso Femia is an expert of this subjet! 
Alfonso Femia is one of the top references in Italy, Milan, when speaking about architecture. Originally, his atelier was founded in 1995, at the time by the name of 5+1 agency, that later become 5+1AA. Nowadays, it’s known as Alfonso Femia Atelier(s), a place that “explores the world and the human relationships through architecture, dialog and matter, listening, searching and asserting an idea of the project as a dialog tool and the importance to think and imagine the spaces, the architectures and the chronotopic cities”. Get ready to know more about the founder and architecture!
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s): Discovering the World Through Architecture!
Project: Pangaea “Tempodacqua” 
The Atelier is actually the blend of three “places characteristic of the identity of Genoa, Milan and Paris, where a multidisciplinay team makes them live like a unique place for project and thought, feeding on the different particularities and experiences of the three cities“.
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s): Discovering the World Through Architecture!
Project: Pangaea “Tempodacqua”
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s) has a long portfolio with the most different types and styles of projects, since commercial and hospitality to contemporary and modern. The Atelier(s) interprets contemporary in a particular way: the relationship between territory, city and architecture, constructing this relationship as a representation of reality.
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s): Discovering the World Through Architecture!
Project: Pangaea “Tempodacqua” 
This project is called Pangaea “Tempodacqua” and it’s located in the lovely Italian City of Pisa. Pangaea is a hypothetical supercontinent that included all current land masses, believed to have been in existence before the continents broke apart during the Triassic and Jurassic Periods. This project represents three elements: water, earth an time, and how time can change it. “The Pangaea will be a continent that has become an island, transformed and transformable over time, a metaphor for the city of Pisa, first lapped by the sea, now crossed by the river”.
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s): Discovering the World Through Architecture!
Project: J1 L’Odyssée, the Underwater City
The perspective of every single project is unique, because it’s the perfect balance between our imaginary and reality. Dynamism and transformation of reality is also key to all the projects that the architect embraces.
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s): Discovering the World Through Architecture!
Project: J1 L’Odyssée, the Underwater City
“The relation between public and private, the project as a place of destination. The dialog as a project tool and the project as a dialog tool are the actions that distinguish the thought of Atelier(s) Femia, believing in the project as an opportunity of encounters and exchanges; that is measured in and with time and that makes the chronotopic dimension one of the objectives of our research”.
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s): Discovering the World Through Architecture!
Project: J1 L’Odyssée, the Underwater City
This project is called J1 L’Odyssée, the Underwater City, and it’s located in Marseilles, France. As you might already know, this French city is connected to the sea and you can also have the perfect view of the horizon, that is why this project is the fusion or a dialogue with light that turns towards the horizon, penetrating between J1’s structure and the suspended volume of the underwater space.
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s): Discovering the World Through Architecture!
Project: University and research building on the campus of the Central School of Nantes
All the projects are created, having a special concern towards Nature and the amount of ground that is used. This particular project had a special aim: To demolish an existing building that is part of a unitary system, with a clear and strong identity.
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s): Discovering the World Through Architecture!
Project: University and research building on the campus of the Central School of Nantes
Here you can see a building with its own identity. A place with its own fingerprint. “The brightness of the interiors create an immediate and efficient connection with the building’s use, may it be floor by floor or in its entirety. The central heart then becomes the vertical backbone of the specific programs”.
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s): Discovering the World Through Architecture!
Project: University and research building on the campus of the Central School of Nantes
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s): Discovering the World Through Architecture!
Project: Redevelopment of Pasteur site with creation of “Villa Créative”
This project has “created bridges, connections, interactions between both artistic and scientific disciplines. A central place for thought, debate and intellectual and scientific exchange of the Avignon Festival, “Villa Créative” leaves its “summer dimension” to develop this uniqueness throughout the year and offer Avignon a place for culture and the “digital world”, elements that characterize the city”.
Alfonso Femia Atelier(s): Discovering the World Through Architecture!
Project: Elementary School in Via Viscontini
PHONE NUMBER: +39 02 54019701

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Written by: Sofia Acha