The Secrets Behind a Beautifully Done Vintage Garden Decor

Vintage Outdoor:  A Trend You Can’t-Miss.

We have to admit we are a lover of all things vintage. And if throughout the years the contemporary style has taken steps into our outdoor decor, we must bring some of our so much adored styles into play. That’s why today we bring you a vintage garden decor to die for. Let’s bring style and play into our daily lives!

Keep Reading, let’s get inspired!

READ ALONG: Vintage Garden Decor Ideas That You Need To Try 

The Secrets Behind a Beautifully Done Vintage Garden Decor 1

According to Gert van de Keuken, artistic director of the agency Studio Edelkoort, “vintage somehow answers this romantic-nostalgic trend that affects all sectors of the art of living, and therefore also the garden. But this phenomenon also reflects the fact that today’s consumers are adopting a more ecological approach: they prefer to support nature, rather than master it”.

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We need to be honest about it. Vintage style as taken our lives by control. We see it every day and nowadays it’s everywhere we look. In fashion, in homes, in cars… So, why not add it to one of the most relaxing places in our home? That’s right. The way it fits into a relaxing aura, on a sunny day, with an ice tea in hand…

The Secrets Behind a Beautifully Done Vintage Garden Decor 2

There’s a whole range of vintage home accessories to bring into play. Explore some vintage shops near you and you’re sure to find something worth buying. For example, a pretty plant holder or think a pair of garden vases with mythological drawings. It will look stunning into your vintage outdoor.

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If you’re looking to get something more easy to find and for a small time period you can always go to big department stores. Re-editions and neo-vintage collections are almost always available. Even though they won’t be as sturdy as the original, nor will have the natural patina of a genuine vintage wood bench, iron table or sculpture. They will make do with the look you’re trying to achieve!

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The Secrets Behind a Beautifully Done Vintage Garden Decor 6

Vintage garden ideas can help you build that antique themed garden that you ever dreamed of.

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Look for a timeless piece of the vintage industrial style. A metal plate or some vintage garden furniture will make the delicious tone on your outdoor decor while you will have the compliments and the finally deserved rest.

READ ALONG: Winter Decor: The Best Garden Lights

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