5 Vintage Lamps You Must Have This Black Friday!

Get The Best Vintage Lamps This Black Friday!

BLACK FRIDAY, enjoy the best discounts we’ve for you! Choose the best vintage lamps for your home, we’re about to show you!


Heritage Collection

Coltrane Wall Lamp 

5 Vintage Lamps You Must Have This Black Friday! (2)

We’re about to talk about vintage lamps there will be on today!! You must get the incredible opportunity to have this lighting pieces back at your place.

Coltrane Wall Lamp is a classic, side by side with all the Coltrane Family, you will find another member just in a minute, but now let’s talk about this one! Coltrane was inspired on the incredible John Coltrane and he is a proof that simple things can turn great in any room of your home.

Wall Category


Galliano Wall Lamp 

5 Vintage Lamps You Must Have This Black Friday! (3)

This remarkable wall lamp, Galliano is an iconic piece, with it’s own style he is one of the most important vintage lamps we have and it can used both inside and outside your place. This is a very important point, it’s versatility make him an awesome lamp. Make it your own!

Coltrane Suspension Lamp 

5 Vintage Lamps You Must Have This Black Friday! (4)

Coltrane Suspension Lamp is the one who has most requests, everyone loves him and want him! Just like all of the lighting pieces we’ve talk about, you can customize it, this means that you’re able to choose the colours you want and the materials they are made of. How incredible is that?

5 Vintage Lamps You Must Have This Black Friday! (5)

This dazzling will make all difference at your home, because it tells you a story, another proof that music and lighting combines the best way. Handmade in steel. It features a steel cord and a magnetic disc at the top, while down below the canopy is built out of stainless steel, with a gold-plated finish.

Ike Suspension Lamp 

5 Vintage Lamps You Must Have This Black Friday! (6)

Ike Suspension is another vintage lamp you can have today, it’s multiple lighting focus will give you the best light for your dining room or for your bedroom, for example. This black friday discounts must be seized by you.

5 Vintage Lamps You Must Have This Black Friday! (7)

Handmade in brass and aluminum and features a glossy black and gold plated finish, representing a high-quality craftsmanship. Are you in live with this luxurious lighting piece? What’re you waiting for? Go and grab your own and complete your interior design.


Brubeck Wall 

5 Vintage Lamps You Must Have This Black Friday! (8)

Brubeck Wall is the last one of our list of vintage lamps, but he also very important because he is part of one of the most important families that exists, Brubeck Family! Brubeck is composed by a series of handmade brass tubes that are all welded together by hand. For a finishing touch, it boasts a very art deco gold-plated finish.


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