Winter is coming and with him arrives Christmas Holiday. Time to dress all the interior of your house with the proper decoration. But and the outdoor? Here are some tips to make your garden the best when it comes to lighting.
Cool and contemporary, this pathway of lights is made simply by punching holes in the snow and slipping small glasses holding votives into them. Keep it straight forward, but have fun with this — maybe spell your name or make an arrow for Santa to know where to land.
Imagine greeting your guests this season with a tunnel of arches enchanted with string upon string of brilliant white lights. Dramatic yet warm and welcoming, these arches do double duty when in spring you add climbing roses or other flowering vines right over the lights. Oversized ornaments add a splash of color swaying in the cool night air.
Use light fixture cover, cover with stained glass rounds or use glass stones. Stained glass will buy you more colors and the glass is better quality.
Not even the neighbor’s 20-foot inflatable snowman can compete with a front garden awash in the gleam of firelight.
Fluffy make-them-yourself snowballs and strands of battery-opperated lights fill the window boxes.
Spike lights are very versatile. You can use them to pick out plants up to 3m tall, creating atmosphere with form and with the colour that moonlight otherwise leaches out. Here we have airy bamboos with painted stems and feathery fiery-leaved acers; both create a silent-movie flicker in the slightest breeze.
Look for more interesting winter decor images in our Pinterest board.