We often yearn for a simpler time. You know, back when we didn’t all have a smartphone, two e-mail addresses, and a laptop to keep us distracted at all times.
But while the earlier decades might seem glamorous on TV shows like “Mad Men” and “Downton Abbey,” we’re pretty sure they weren’t the easiest of times to live in. Particularly for women.
It was definitely a man’s world back then as far advertisers were concerned. Ads from everything from bath soap to food to kitchen appliances were offensive towards women, portraying them as physically weak, submissive, and pretty much every other female stereotype you can think of.
We’re not saying things are absolutely perfect nowadays. Women are still being sexualized in advertising and told to look a certain way. But at least we can buy soap without being told we’ll lose our man if we don’t.
Here are 5 incredibly sexist ads we’re glad we won’t have to see in our day:Apparently women aren’t just weak, but also clueless
And live to serve their husbands…
And rely on their looks entirely.
Via Huffington Post
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